Kamis, Juni 10, 2010

My Hubby Birthday

Yayy!!! akhirnya hari yang ditunggu dateng juga, today-Wednessday June 9/2010 is my dear hubby's birthday :)

- Cupcake by Sugamom + candle
- Gift + b'day card (from me)
- Gift + b'day card (from eL)
- Yellow rice a.k.a Nasi kuning dan teman2nya (sambal goreng ati ampela, kering tempe,kacang, teri, Ayam goreng, telor dadar, sambel lalap dan kerupukkk) hihiy banyak juga temen si si Yellow rice ini ;)
- Cemilannya J-CO!

Here's the detail:
Pre birthday - dinner berdua (Miguel dititipin dirmh ortu hubby)
Birthday - Family dinner, homemade food by me *ofcourse* :p

ini pesenan cupcake the beatles mix with fitness theme

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